Interpret Pie-Chart, Diagram, and Picture
How to interpret Pie-chart, Diagram, and Picture: ➢ The first paragraph often says what type of chart it is and what it is about. ➢ The second paragraph generally describes each section of the chart. ➢ The last paragraph gives an overall view of what the chart is about with your opinions. ➢ Even a suitable topic can be written. How to organize your answer: (Topic, Introduction, Body and Conclusion) ➢ Choose the most important points to write about first ➢ Make it easy to read ➢ Compare categories together across the charts, focusing on similarities and differences, rather than writing about each chart separately. ➢ Vary your language ➢ You should not keep repeating the same structures. ➢ The key language when you write about pie charts is proportions and percentages. ➢ Common phrases to be used are "the proportion of…" or "the percentage of…" Sample Pie-chart Description Describe the following pie-chart which shows the percentage of passed students of ABC School i...