Applied English for Diploma in Engineering || Soft Storm || Summary and Exercise
Soft Storm Summary "Soft Strom" is a poem written by creative Nepali poet, Abhi Subedi. This poem is written in free verse with a beautiful blend of natural and social description. Simply, it shows the journey of the speaker through narrow lane and lightening of Kathmandu city at night but in its deeper sense, it projects people's indifference feelings towards miserable conditions and sufferings of the people, male practices, tumult atmosphere, and chaos in the Nepalese society. The main theme of the poem "Soft Storm," is that the poet has developed indifference feeling over the absurdities of tumultuous times in the Nepalese society. In other words, the poet thinks about the contemporary situation of the Nepalese society. The poet is not happy with the present situation of the country and warns all the concerned authorities to think in time. Otherwise, he sees a revolution in near future. Dwell upon the Text a. When does the speaker grow soft? Enlist the occ...