Model Question Of C. science SLC

Compulsory Science
Set 1
Time: 2:15 hours                                                                    Full Marks: 75
                                                                                                Pass Marks: 24
Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instructions.

!=  -s_ tf}n / lk08aLr kfOg] s'g} @ j6f leGgtf n]Vg'xf];\ .
        b'O{ j:t'x?aLrsf] u'?Tjfsif{0f an 400 N 5 . olb tL a:t'x?aLrsf] b"/L bf]Aa/ agfO{G5 eg] ltlgx?aLrsf] u'?Tjfif{0f an kQf nufpg'xf];\ .    (2+2=4)
          Write down any two differences between weight and mass. The gravitational force between two bodies is 400 N. If the distance between the centre doubled, find the gravitational force between them.
  -v_   hnljB'taf6 k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] s'g} @ j6f kmfObf / Ps j6f a]kmfObf n]Vg'xf];\ . zlQm ;+ª\s]t x'g ;Sg] s'g} @ j6f sf/0fx? n]Vg'xf];\ . (1.5+2=3.5)
          Write down any two advantages and one disadvantage of hydro electricity. Write down any two effects that can be obtained from energy crisis.
2.    -s_ cfs{ldl8hsf] lgod n]Vg'xf];\ . j:t' t/n kbfy{d lsg 8'A5 < wfl/nf] rSs'n]              ;lhn};Fu sf6\5 . lsg<
State Archimedes' principle. Why an object immersed in liquid? Knifecut well,when it is sharp, Why?                                      (1+1+1.5 = 3.5)
      -v_ pw{rfksf] kl/efiff n]Vg'xf];\ . lsg dl;gf] lkmQfePsf] :s'nAofu af]Sg ufx|f]               x'G5<1 mnDafOePsf] 3gfsf/ kfgL 6\ofª\sLsf] lkFwdfsltrfk kb{5, lx;fa                      ug{'xf];\ .(g = 9.8m/s2)     
     Define up thrust. Why is it difficult to hold a school bag having a strap made of a thin string? Calculate the pressure exerted at the bottom of a cubical tank of length 1 meter.(g= 9.8m/s2)(1+1+2 = 4)

# -s_ 1 Sofnf]/L eg]sf] s] xf] < kfgLsf] ljlzi6 tfkwf/0f Ifdtf 4200 J/kgoc  5 . 34oc   tfkqmd ePsf] kfgLnfO{ lr:ofP/ 4oc emfbf{ o;n]  25,20,000J tfkzlQm u'dfpF5 eg] kfgLsf] lk08 slt xf]nf < kf/f] slt tfkqmddf hD5 < (1+2+0.5=3.5)
                What is 1 calorie? Specific heat capacity of water is 4200j/kgoc. what is the mass of water   which loses 25,20,000J heat energy from 34o c of it’s temperature reduced into 4oc?  In  what temperature does mercury freeze?
-v_     n]G;sf] s]Gb|Ls/0f b"/L eg]sf] s] xf] < sGe]S; n]G;sf] 6cm cuf8L /flvPsf] j:t'sf] cfs[lt sxfF aG5 , ls/0f /]vf lrqaf6 b]vfpFg'xf];\ . o; n]G;sf] s]GbLs/0f b"/L 3cm 5 . cfs[ltsf] lj:t[lt klg kQf nufpg'xf];\ . 1+2+1=4
                What is focal length? Show an image by a ray diagram of an object kept at 6cm in front of  the convex lens. This lens has 3cm of focal length. Also, find out the magnification of the image.

4.   (a)   o"h eg]sf] s] xf] < b'O{j6f  1.5 ef]N6df ;]nx¿sf] ;xoftfåf/f b'O{j6f 3 ef]N6sf] lrdx¿ k"0f{ pHofnf] lbO{ afNg cfjZos kg]{ ;ls{6 /]vf lrq lvRg'xf];\ . o; h8fgnfO{ s] elgG5 <             1+2.5=3.5
             What is a fuse? Draw a circuit diagram to glow two bulbs of 3 volt with full brightness with the help of two cells of 1.5 volt each. What is the name of the type of connection?      

(b)      df]6/ c;/ eg]sf] s] xf] < lkmnfd]G6sf] tf/ agfpg s'g wft' k|of]u ul/G5<          
          220 V k|jfx ePsf] ljB't kl/kydf 5A Ifdtf ePsf] o'h /fVbf 100 af6 Ifdtf ePsf] sltj6f lrdx¿ ;'/lIft 9ª\un] h8fg ug{ ;lsG5 <      1+1+2=4
        What is motor effect? Name the metal which is used to make filament wire? A circuit with 220V is supplied with a fuse of 5A. How many bulbs of 100W can be safely used in the circuit?


%= -s_ lbOPsf] b'O{ tTjx?sf] O{n]S6««f]lgsljGof;sf] cfwf/df ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/lbg'xf];\ .  1+1.5+0.5
 Answer the following questions on the basis of electronic configuration of two elements are given below.
A -1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2
                B – 1S2 2S2 2P4
(i) oL b'O{ tTjx? ;+of]hg eO{ aGg] of}lussf] c0f' ;"q n]Vg'xf];\ .
Write down the molecular formula of the compound form by combination of these two elements.
 (ii) dfly ag]sf] To; of}lusdf s]xL yf]kf kfgL /fVbf x'g] /f;folgs k|ltlqmofsf] ;Gt'lnt ;"q ;lds/0f n]Vg'xf];\ . of] s:tf] k|sf/sf] /f;folgs k|ltlqmof xf] <
What happen when we kept some drops of water in that compound? What kinds of chemical reaction is this?
-v_     Pdf]lgod Snf]/fO8 / SoflN;od xfO8«f]cS;fO8sf] ld>0fnfO{ ttfpbf s'g Uof; aGb5 < pQm Uof; k|of]uzfnfdf tof/ kfbf{ rflxg] pks/0fsf] gfdfª\sLt lrq agfpg'xf];\ . 8fO{nOyfOn Oy/sf] ;+/rgfTds ;"q n]vL o;sf] Ps pkof]uLtf n]Vg'xf];\ .                       0.5+2.5+1.5
Which gas is produced when a mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide is heated? Show with the help of labeled diagram how is this gas collected in laboratory. Write structural formula of diethyl ether. Give one use of it.
^    -s_ Argentite af6 s'g wft' k|fKt u/LG5 < rfFbLnfO{ uf9f ;Nkm\o'/Ls cDn;Fu k|ltlqmof u/fpFbf k|fKt x'g] ;Gt'lnt ;lds/0f b]vfpg'xf];\ . Iff/ / cNsfnLaLr s'g} b'O{ cGt/ n]Vg'xf];\ .   [0.5+2+2]=4.5
Which metal do we get from argentite ore. Show the balanced chemical equation for the reaction when silver reacts with concentrated sulphusir acid.Write any two differences between base and alkali.  
     -v_  l;d]G6 agfpFbf rlxg] d'Vob'O sRrf kbfy{x?sf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . cuf{lgsdn /f;folgsdn eGbf /fd|f] x'G5 lsg < s'g} b'O{ pko'Qm sf/0f lbg'xf];\ .                                                                                      [1+2]
Write the main two raw materials required for the manufacturing of cement. Organic fertilizers are better than chemical fertilizers. Justify with any two suitable reasons. 
7  a) efO/; ha;Dd lhljt sf]ifsf] ;Dks{df cfpFb}gg\ ta;Dd lglh{jsf] Jojxf/ u5{, pQm egfOnfO{ k'li6 u/ . lgDg efux?sf]Pp6f sfo{ n]v . (1+3)
Virus shows non living behavior until it comes to living cells. Write the one function of the following parts.
i)                    rfns :gfo' (motor nerve)
ii)                  ;]G;/L :gfo' (sensory nerve)
iii)                ;]/]a|f]– :kfOgn ˆn'8 (cerebro-spinal fluid)

b)     x]dfUnf]aLg eg]sf] s] xf] < of] /utsf] s'g efudf kfOG5 < o;sf] sfo{ n]v . (1+2.5)
What is hemoglobin? In which part of the blood dues it found? Write the function of hemoglobin.  

*=-s_lbOPsf] lrq pGo'sf] hLjg rqmsf] s'g cj:yf xf] < pGo'sf] hLjgrqmdf cN6/g]zg ckm h]g]/];g eg]sf] s] xf] < l8KnfO{8 qmf]df]hf]d eg]sf] s] xf] < ldcf]l;;\ sf]if ljefhgnfO{ l/8S;g ljefhg elgG5, lsg <

Which stage of life cycle of fern is shown in the given diagram ? What is alternation of generation in the life cycle of fern ? What are diploid chromosomes ? Why meiosis is called reduction division ?
-v_     cd}y'lgs k|hgg\ eg]sf] s] xf] < cfn'nfO{ 6'qmf6'qmf sf6]/ /f]Kg'kg]{ s'g} b'O{cf]6f sf/0fx¿ lbg'xf]; .        
        What is asexual reproduction? Pototo use to planet by malairs piran, Why?
 (= s_ kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLdf h}ljs tTjnfO{ stL ;d'xdf ljefhg u/LPsf] x'G5 < ltgLx?sf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . dflg;sf] j}1flgs gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . ds}sf] jlu{s/0f ug{'xf];\ . 1.5+1+1=3.5
                Biotic factors of an ecosystem are classified into how many groups? Name them. Write the scientific name of human being. Classify maize plant.
v_    d]08nn] s]/fpnfO{ g} cfˆgf] k|of]usf] nfuL 5fGg'sf] s'g} b'O{j6f sf/0fx? n]Vg'xf];\ . l8PgP / cf/PgP aLr kfO{g] b'O{j6f leGgtfx? n]Vg'xf];\ .                                                    2+2=4
                Why did Mendel choose pea plant for his experiment? Give any two reasons. Write two differences between DNA and RNA.

10.     -s_ k[YjL pTklQaf/] lhG; / h]k|]msf] kl/sNkgfsf] cfwf/df ;+If]kdf AofVof ug'{xf];\ . df5f / 8fOgf];/x¿ pTklt ePsf sfn (Period) sf] gfd  n]Vg'xf];\ . xl/tu[x k|efjsf s'g} @ jtf c;/x¿ n]Vg'xf];\ . (1.5+ 1+ 2=4.5)
Explain in brief about the origin of the earth on the basis of Jean and Jerrrey’s hypothesis. Name the periods in which fish and dinosaurs were evolved. Write down any two effects of greenhouse effect.
-v_     pNsfx¿ k|foh;f] k[YjLsf] ;txdf cfOk'Ub}gg\ , lsg < ;]tf]jfd tf/f / ;'k/gf]ef tf/faLr kfOg] s'g} @ j6f leGgtf n]Vg'xf];\ .     (1+ 2=3)
Generally meteors cannot reach on the earth’s surface, why ? Write down any two differences between a white dwarf star and supernova.

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